
15 Jul 2024 11:30 PM

Pivot Table



We have a raw dataset with many different columns and lots of information. We want to systematize the data in a way to understand which campaigns were executed in the specific period and what were the associated costs.


In this use case we will be arranging the data to see campaign names, the date when they were executed and the associated cost in the selected months. Our goal is to see a pivot table which would clearly indicate this information. To achieve this results we will be taking the steps:

Step 1

Let’s open Conduit’s Workflows and add the “Pull Data” building block to the canvas and select our dataset.

Step 2

Let’s add the “Create Report/Aggregate” building block to the canvas and connect it to our dataset. At this point we are getting rid of all the columns we won’t be using to proceed with our task. In the breakdowns field we uncheck all the columns except “Campaign Name” and “Date” columns. In the metrics field we will leave only the “Cost” column. At this point our output shows us all the campaign names, the date when they took place and the relevant costs. Since we want to see the results distributed only by specific months, it is not our final goal and we proceed further.

Step 3

Since we do not have “Months” as a separate column, we add the “Add Week/Month/Year” auxiliary building block to our canvas as select that we want our “Date” column to display only the Month name.

Step 4

We add the “Pivot Table” building block to the canvas. As a datasource we will be using the report we created in Step 2. In the rows & columns field we arrange it in a way that campaign names are marked as rows, and the Months as columns.

In the “Setup Column Values” field we select “Cost”.

Step 5

Now, the system will ask us for an additional step whether we want to look through all the months mentioned in our report or just the specific ones. Resolving that issue we click on the error message and either type in the months we are interested in, or by clicking “Fill values” we select all the months mentioned in our report.

Step 6

At this point we can decide whether we want to see Totals, and if not - unlock them. Once done, click on the View button and you will see the output result.