Creating the Ecommerce Purchases report from GA4
As a demonstration of building a custom report, let's recreate the standard Ecommerce Purchases report from GA4.
The Ecommerce Purchases report includes the dimension "Item name" and four metrics: Items viewed, Items added to cart, Items purchased, and Item revenue.
To begin, let's create a new custom integration and specify these fields.
Names of columns
Due to integration limitations, the real column names are replaced with generic names like Metric 1, Metric 2, etc., which is not ideal.
- Let's fix this by creating a workflow to rename the columns.
- We'll use the Pull Data block to load the data
- and the Create Report block to rename the columns appropriately.
Now, we can use this workflow in all dashboards and spreadsheets, ensuring that the columns have clear and meaningful names.
If you want to use the renamed fields for sending to spreadsheets, add the Save to Google Sheets building block.
If you want to use the renamed fields in dashboards, use the data source "Workflows."