See also
Conduit for Financial Analysis
Comparison of Financial Periods
Conduit For Stocks Market
Build Financial Models from Raw Transactional Data and Generate P&L Statements
Privacy and AI
16 Jul 2024 09:39 PM
Consolidation of Data for Financial Analysis
Connect all applications (QB, Xero, Zoho, etc.) and bank accounts (via Plaid) storing transactions, payments, and invoices while preserving privacy
Automatically extract invoices from text documents.
- Automate complex financial reports with AI, reducing days of manual work.
- Automate financial modelling
- Use AI to identify patterns in financial data.
- Automate spreadsheet editing
External-CFO and Financial Consultants
Transform your services into a SaaS business. Create your own app using our white label no-code solution, enabling your clients to connect their data and receive automatically generated reports seamlessly.