Development quickstart

Start Developing

  1. Create Your Account
    Visit and register for a new account if you don't already have one.

  2. Setup the Organization Name
    Go to API. Enter the organization's name and click the Save button. This action is required for this Demo.

  3. Obtain Your App Token
    Go to API to generate your Organization token. Save this token; you'll need it in the upcoming steps.

  4. Read API Reference

Explore Sample Projects

  • Dashboard embedded in your app with workspaces management (Python) See more
  • Dashboard embedded in your app (Client-side JavaScript). See more

Download and Run the SaaS Demo Python Demo Project

  1. Clone the Repository
    Download the demo project from the repository:

  2. Set Up the Environment
    Ensure you have Python 3.10+ and the Poetry 1.8+ package manager installed
    (if you already have Poetry installed, ensure it's updated to 1.8 version or higher ).
    Open your terminal, navigate to the project folder, and run:

    poetry install
  3. Project Structure
    The project includes two folders:

    • demo_app: Demonstrates API integration.
    • demo_server: Provides mock data for dashboards.

Start the Demo Data Server

  1. Launch the Demo Server
    Navigate to the demo_server folder:

    cd demo_server

    Start the server:

    poetry run python

    The server will run at You can modify the port in the file.

  2. API Endpoint
    The server provides a CSV-formatted API response with the following columns:

    • Date
    • User ID
    • Campaign
    • Clicks
    • Install

    Parameters required for requests:

    • date_from: Start date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).
    • date_to: End date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).
    • user_id: User ID (used as-is in the response).
  3. Expose the Server Publicly (ngrok)

    • Register and Install ngrok
      Sign up at and follow the Getting Started guide.

    • Start ngrok

      ngrok http 8008

      This generates a public URL (e.g., http://<your-ngrok-domain> Save this URL for the next step.

Configure a Connection in Conduit

More details on Remote HTTP Connection

  1. Set Up a Remote HTTP Connection

    • In the Conduit sidebar, click Connections.
    • Search for "Remote HTTP" and click Connect.
    • Enter Connection Name: e.g., Demo Server.
  2. Share to Workspaces:

    • Enable Share to Workspaces. This option automatically makes the connection available to child workspaces.
  3. Request Settings:

    • URL: Paste your ngrok URL (e.g., http://<your-ngrok-domain>
    • Method: GET.
  4. Request Parameters: Add:

    • date_from{{date_from}}.
    • date_to{{date_to}}.
    • user_id{{user_id}}.
  5. Define Data Columns
    Describe the returned CSV format:

    • Date: Dimension, DATE.
    • User ID: Dimension, STRING.
    • Campaign: Dimension, STRING.
    • Clicks: Metric, INTEGER.
    • Spend: Metric, MONEY.

Click Save.

Create a Dashboard Template

  1. Set Up the Dashboard
    In the sidebar, go to Dashboards and click Create Dashboard.
    Name your dashboard, e.g., Dashboard Template.

  2. Add Widgets

    • Time Series Chart:
      • Connection: Select Remote HTTP API. You've created it previously.
      • Endpoint: Choose Demo Server.
      • Y-Axis: Clicks.
      • X-Axis: Date.


  • Add another widget for the Spend metric.

Run the Demo Application

  1. Start the Demo App Server
    Navigate to the demo_app directory:

    cd demo_app

    Launch the server using the command:

    poetry run python runserver

    The server will be available at

  2. Log In to the Demo App
    Open in your browser. You’ll see the login screen.

    • Paste the Organization token you obtained earlier in Step 1. If needed, retrieve it again from Get App Token.
    • Click Sign In.


Upon logging in, you'll see a list of your workspaces. If you’re using a new account, this list will initially be empty.

API Overview
The demo app retrieves the list of workspaces by making an API request:

curl -X GET \ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <org_token>"

Replace <org_token> with your Organization token.

Create a Workspace

Add a Workspace

  • Click the Create Workspace button.
  • Provide a name for the workspace.
  • Fill in the ext_id field with a unique identifier (any text value). The ext_id value substitutes the {{user_id}} macro in API requests.


Tip:Use the ext_id as the user's authorization token for authenticating with your Remote HTTP API connection.

Click Create.

API Overview
When creating a workspace, the demo app sends the following API request:

curl -X POST \ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <org_token>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "name": "<workspace_name>",
  "ext_id": "<ext_id>"
  • <workspace_name>: Name of the workspace.
  • <ext_id>: External ID of the workspace.


    "id": "...",    # Internal workspace ID
    "name": "...",  # Workspace name
    "ext_id": "...", # External ID
    "token": "..."  # Authorization token for the workspace

Clone the Dashboard

Copy a Dashboard Template

  • After creating the workspace, you’ll return to the workspace list.
  • Locate the workspace and click Dashboards.
  • In the Organization Dashboards section, find the Dashboard Template.
  • Click the Clone button to copy the template into the child workspace. The dashboard will now appear in the Workspace Dashboards section.

API Overview

  • To list dashboards, the app sends:

    curl -X GET \ \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <org_token>"
  • To clone a dashboard into a workspace, the app sends:

    curl -X POST \<dashboard_id>/clone \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer <org_token>" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
      "workspace_id": "<workspace_id>"


      "id": "...",     # Internal dashboard ID
      "name": "...",   # Dashboard name
      "url": "..."     # Embed link for iframe

Open a Child Workspace Dashboard

View the Dashboard

  • In the Workspace Dashboards section, click the Open button next to the cloned dashboard.
  • The dashboard will open, displaying graphs with data.
    API Overview
    To fetch the public URL of the dashboard, the app makes this API request:
curl -X GET \<dashboard_id>/share/ \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <workspace_token>"


  "url": ""

This URL can be embedded in your application using an iframe.


You’ve successfully completed the demo app walkthrough! You can now integrate, manage, and explore dashboards using Conduit’s API and tools.