See also


solution ecommerce
12 Jul 2024 09:27 PM

Amazon TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale)


Amazon TACoS (total advertising cost of sale) is a key metric for understanding your business’s relationship to advertising.

We have developed a Dashboard that automatically calculates TACoS based on data from your Amazon account(s).

To generate a report, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your Amazon Ads account. You can connect multiple accounts.
  2. Connect your Amazon Seller account. You can connect multiple accounts.
  3. Set up a Workflow for calculating TACoS using our provided template.
  4. Create a Dashboard to visualize TACoS using our provided template.

What is Amazon TACoS?

Amazon TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale) is a metric that measures ad spend relative to an Amazon seller’s total sales revenue, encompassing both ad sales and organic sales.

TACoS provides Amazon sellers with a comprehensive view of their overall ad performance and business profitability. The primary goals of running Amazon Advertising campaigns are to drive sales and enhance brand awareness.

Successful ad campaigns can boost your overall organic sales. TACoS offers a more accurate representation of your Amazon business performance.

Think of it this way: The more sales generated by your ads, the higher your Amazon Best Sellers Rank and organic keyword ranking will be for your product. Higher rankings lead to better visibility in search results, which, in turn, increases your organic sales.